IVF · In Vitro Fertilization
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In Vitro Fertilization is a method of assisted reproduction meant for infertile couples. Its purpose is to fertilize eggs outside the woman's body when they are unable to do so in their natural place. This procedure is performed in the laboratory, keeping eggs and sperm in incubators under controlled environmental conditions of temperature, humidity, oxygen concentration, carbon dioxide etc., which simulate the womb under normal conditions. The fertilized eggs are kept in incubators for optimal development and this is called embryo culture. The embryo culture requires comprehensive care and can last from 3-5 days depending on the quality of the embryos. In the 3 or 5 day of culture, the best embryos are selected according to their morphology to be transferred to the uterus of the patient.

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In this way we can describe IVF in the following steps

Stimulation of ovulation
This is accomplished with daily sub-cutaneous injections of hormones to stimulate the ovaries of women. The drugs most used are follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). Stimulating ovulation lasts on average between 10 and 12 days. During this period and to evaluate the growth and development of follicles, ultrasound monitoring is done.

Follicular aspiration
It is a procedure that aims to extract the eggs inside the follicles. Is performed by the ovarian puncture with a needle inserted through the vagina and guided into the follicles by ultrasound visualization. This is an outpatient procedure that requires general anesthesia and sometimes locally depending on the patient and the location ovaries, operating room time required for the procedure is 20-30 min.

It is a process that starts with the entry of sperm to the egg. In IVF for fertilization to occur, incubated in the same culture medium capsule with each egg with about 25 000 50 000 previously trained husband sperm in the laboratory. The evidence that there was fertilization is given by microscopic visualization of pronuclei (male and female), 16-20 hours after incubation of both gametes.

Embryo Culture
The fertilized eggs are kept in the incubator for 3 to 5 days depending on its quality. At this time you will provide the necessary conditions for optimal development.

Embryo transfer
It is an outpatient procedure performed in the operating room without analgesia or anesthesia. This procedure takes about 15 minutes is to deposit the embryos within the uterine cavity. To do this a thin inert plastic tube is used and called very soft catheter. This is inserted through the cervix and once inside of the cavity, the embryos are placed in the uterine cavity. The number of embryos transferred depends on the quality and age of the patient. Thus, if the embryos are transferred to the third day, they should continue their development in the uterine fluid before making Contact with the endometrium and begin implementation. In case there is an excess of embryos and these are of good.


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IREGA is home to a team of experts in the care of fertility, willing to make your dream of having a baby come true.

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